Visuel To keep your business running smoothly while employees work remotely, adopt a CMMS!
02 Feb 2022

To keep your business running smoothly while employees work remotely, adopt a CMMS!

During the health crisis, remote work has become a necessity. There can be little doubt that these new work habits will have a lasting impact on companies, making a CMMS increasingly vital.

CMMS: Increased Importance During a Crisis

When your maintenance operations are digitized, you no longer need to make direct contact with field technicians, managers, and clients just to exchange information. This ensures that your business keeps running smoothly and even boosts your performance.

To deal with the current crisis and set your company up for future success, implementing a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) is becoming an essential element in digital transformation.

Simply put, it’s time.

La bonne nouvelle est que cette Ă©volution est accessible Ă  tous les types d’entreprises quelle que soit leur taille ou leur expertise informatique et que le dĂ©ploiement de la solution est rapide.

CMMS: Improved Productivity and Cash Flow

When you adopt a CMMS, you are supporting your company’s growth by ensuring a significant increase in productivity. Information is circulated more smoothly among field teams, the operations center, and your clients; managers’ decision-making is made easier, information sharing is instantaneous, and client satisfaction increases. In addition, timely invoicing improves cash flow.

CMMS: The Importance of Choosing a Scalable Solution

Enfin, une GMAO, nouvelle gĂ©nĂ©ration, est une GMAO mobile en mode Saas, Ă  l’instar de Twimm. Elle ne nĂ©cessite aucun investissement de dĂ©part, permet la maitrise des coĂ»ts et sait Ă©voluer avec la croissance de l’entreprise en intĂ©grant un nombre croissant d’utilisateurs, ou par l’ajout de nouvelles fonctionnalitĂ©s. Elle est aussi mobile que les Ă©quipes de terrain qu’elle accompagne grâce Ă  son accessibilitĂ© sur diffĂ©rents devices comme le smartphone ou la tablette en plus de l’ordinateur, y compris sans connexion internet grâce au mode hors ligne.

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