Visuel A Successful CMMS Rollout in 4 Steps
02 Feb 2022

A Successful CMMS Rollout in 4 Steps

The successful rollout of your CMMS project is a critical part of continuing your digital transformation and staying competitive. Twipi Group explains how to ensure the odds are in your favor.

Defining the Objectives of a CMMS Tool

Déterminer ce que vous attendez de votre outil GMAO et les objectifs qu’il doit remplir représente une étape fondamentale pour la réussite de votre projet de Gestion de la Maintenance Assistée par Ordinateur.

You must also evaluate all the parameters that will help you meet those objectives, such as:

  • Budget
  • Tools
  • Personnel
  • Deadlines

Take the time to list all of these characteristics in a bill of specifications. Only when this analysis is complete will you be ready to set up the CMMS in accordance with the requirements. 

Write a bill of specifications

Writing a bill of specifications gives you the opportunity to define, in detail, the necessary features for your CMMS project. Indeed, what you are purchasing is not maintenance management software, but the features you need to optimize your processes.

As a result, you’ll need to create a working group of potential users who can provide an analysis of their needs. Keep only the features that hold real utility for everyone involved.

Note that this step is truly essential, because any error or omission in the bill of specifications will lead to additional time and expense before your CMMS can be implemented.

Prepare your teams for change

Implementing a CMMS project in your company can cause employees to express reluctance for a variety of reasons:

  • Negative past experience with a similar tool
  • The fear of a heavier workload
  • Concerns about stricter oversight

The only way to eliminate your teams’ objections is to dispel these fears. Prioritize open communication and help them understand the benefits the CMMS tool has to offer them on an everyday basis. For example:

  • Time savings and improved efficiency for the technician
  • Easier budget monitoring for the maintenance department head
  • Optimization of quantities in storage for the warehouse manager
  • Improved satisfaction for the end client

Lean on “early adopters“—members of your staff who take interest in new technologies—to promote your approach. At the same time, provide extra support to those employees who object to any changes in their work processes.

Gather your data

Before it’s rolled out, your new CMMS tool is like an empty shell. Building a well constructed database is a crucial step in order to start off on the right foot.

To that end, collect all your existing data. Next, cleanse your data to ensure that you are in compliance with applicable maintenance standards and eliminate any expired or duplicate records.

To set up your CMMS, you must import at least the following files:

  • Equipment
  • Sites
  • Spare parts
  • Suppliers
  • Employees

Twipi Group, your CMMS specialist, is here to guide you through your company’s digital transformation. Contact our teams without delay.

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