Visuel Time Sheets: Use Maintenance Management Software to Automate Your Processes
02 Feb 2022

Time Sheets: Use Maintenance Management Software to Automate Your Processes

While the process of generating time sheets is a necessary part of operating a maintenance company, it is time- and energy-consuming for everyone involved. The use of maintenance management software for digital creation of time sheets is becoming a must.

Creating time sheets: a complex, time-consuming process for technicians and office workers

For technicians, clocking in and out is a long and complicated task. There is a high risk of error in time sheet data entry, which can start a chain reaction that harms the company’s productivity. If technicians aren’t perfectly accurate in recording their hours, office workers are bound to make mistakes in generating time sheets… to say nothing of the risk of losing the sheets. Ultimately, technicians will feel mistreated if their time sheets are incorrect, and the whole process will need to be redone. That wastes time that could be better spent on more productive, profitable activities (like conducting service visits!).

Time Sheets: The Right Maintenance Management Software Saves You Time

La fin des dĂ©sagrĂ©ments liĂ©s aux feuilles d’heure passe par l’implĂ©mentation d’un logiciel de gestion de maintenance avancĂ©, qui va dĂ©matĂ©rialiser la saisie des feuilles d’heures. Cela va libère du temps aux techniciens comme aux employĂ©s au bureau.

Avec ce type de logiciel, les feuilles d’heures se crĂ©ent automatiquement Ă  partir de la saisie des interventions : le technicien rentre l’heure de dĂ©but et l’heure de fin de l’intervention dans une application mobile dĂ©diĂ©e, et les feuilles d’heures se crĂ©ent instantanĂ©ment Ă  partir de ces informations. Fini la double-saisie des heures ! En outre, les techniciens Ă©conomisent du temps de trajet car ils n’ont plus Ă  passer au bureau pour dĂ©poser leurs fiches.

Office workers no longer need to type technicians’ hours into a database to generate time sheets. In fact, the most advanced maintenance management software tools sync with the technician’s mobile app in real time. They automatically distinguish among the different types of hours worked (service call, travel time, on-call hours, breaks, etc.) and alert the software user in the office when service calls overlap during the day. This facilitates consistency checks and considerably reduces the time it takes for office-based users to create time sheets.

Time Sheets: Improve the Reliability of Your Data

Data is uploaded instantaneously from the technician’s mobile app to office computers running the maintenance management software, which provides assurance that the service call is in progress or has been completed.

This feature greatly reduces the risk of error in drawing up time sheets, both for the technician (as time sheets are created based on their entry of service call timing) and for the office-based user. The most advanced maintenance management software tools can check for consistency in the data entered by the technician, using a time sheet approval workflow:

  1. Hours submitted by the technician via mobile app
  2. Approval and creation of time sheets by the office worker
  3. Approval of time sheets by the manager

Time Sheets: Reduce Paper and Fuel Consumption

Using a suitable maintenance management solution to manage time sheets helps reduce paper and fuel consumption, which improves your company’s brand image.

Digitizing time sheets appreciably reduces paper consumption and related expenses. Say goodbye to the endless stacks of files cluttering your offices! 

In addition to being practical, it’s eco-responsible, making this approach a good fit for a CSR policy. 

Moreover, digitizing time sheets cuts down on technicians’ travel, thereby reducing overall fuel consumption.

Time Sheets: Improve the Usability of Your Data

Les logiciels de gestion de maintenance avancĂ©s donnent la possibilitĂ© d’exporter les donnĂ©es des feuilles d’heures au format excel, afin de rĂ©aliser des compte-rendu sur les temps d’intervention, de pause, de trajet et d’astreinte. Les donnĂ©es des feuilles d’heures deviennent facilement manipulables. Sur une pĂ©riode choisie, il est possible de crĂ©er des vues graphiques ou des tableaux. Certains logiciels proposent mĂŞme des fonctionnalitĂ©s de compte-rendu automatique d’intervention.

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