Visuel Preventive Maintenance Planning: The Benefits of a Specially Designed CMMS
02 Feb 2022

Preventive Maintenance Planning: The Benefits of a Specially Designed CMMS

Construire un plan de maintenance préventive cohérent et réaliste sur le long terme peut vite devenir un casse-tête face aux aléas de l’activité de la maintenance. Un pilotage efficace des interventions préventives nécessite le déploiement d’une solution de GMAO adaptée.

Maintenance Plan: Smart Scheduling and Distribution of Service Calls

Creating and managing a consistent maintenance plan can prove to be complicated, given the significant variation from one time period to another in terms of demand for service calls and technicians’ skills and availability.

Fortunately, there are maintenance plan creation tools that combine ergonomic design with flexibility. For the best added value, your tool must be flexible enough to:

  • Offer you the opportunity to assign a service call to a specific technician who is not normally assigned to that site
  • Allow you to add one or more visits within a given period at any time

The maintenance plan display must be ergonomically designed as well. You must be able to view all your maintenance operations for the month at a glance, without requiring endless numbers of clicks.

Maintenance Plan: Taking Your Subcontractors Into Account

In order to keep up with your maintenance plan, you must occasionally call upon subcontractors to meet a client’s specific needs or remedy a staffing shortage. How can you avoid the hassle of scheduling your technicians and subcontractors on different tools or interfaces?

Very few tools offer the option to include subcontractors in your contracts and manage their scheduling. That is why you need to equip yourself with a CMMS tool that includes an expert subcontractor module. With this type of CMMS, subcontractors can even generate “subcontractor job tickets,” which are automatically uploaded to your operations center— a big advantage in terms of maintenance plan oversight.

Maintenance Plan: Maintenance Supervision via Interactive Schedules

The more clients you have and the more preventive maintenance visits you handle, the more complex it is to create and monitor a service schedule. This makes it more difficult to complete the steps in your preventive maintenance plan, especially if your technicians’ schedules don’t take the vagaries of work life (PTO, reduction of working time, etc.) into account.

Il devient alors intéressant de se tourner vers un logiciel de GMAO nouvelle génération intégrant la création d’un planning interactif pour garantir le respect de votre plan de maintenance.

Service call scheduling on an advanced CMMS is generally presented as a Google calendar, with color codes differentiating the type of time slot (corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance, construction, reduction of working time, etc.) for each technician. A job ticket can be created directly from the schedule. As with Google Calendar, events can be moved to any other time slot, simply by dragging and dropping. Finally, the most advanced CMMS programs display on-call periods.

Maintenance Plan: A Dynamic Dashboard for Optimal Oversight

Une interface visuelle et dynamique est indispensable pour suivre le plan de maintenance. Dans les logiciels de GMAO dernière génération, l’évolution du traitement des interventions prévues dans le plan de maintenance se caractérise par un code couleur précis. Ainsi, vous pouvez vous rendre compte en un clin d’œil du volume des interventions traitées, à venir, en retards ou partiellement traitées dans votre plan de maintenance. Si vous souhaitez avoir des précisions sur l’une des interventions, le bon d’intervention est accessible directement depuis cette interface.

Next-generation CMMS programs can also generate visuals, directly from the maintenance plan, showing technical teams’ workload and capacity.

Maintenance Plan: Save Time With Specialized Maintenance Task Lists

Advanced CMMS programs offer specialized, pre-loaded maintenance task lists for your line of business. A to-do list is automatically linked to each piece of your clients’ equipment that appears in your preventive maintenance plan. This saves you valuable time, compared with less advanced software programs that require you to type task lists for each item in order to develop a maintenance plan.

It is also possible to associate measurements (temperature, intensity, motor current, etc.) with your task lists in next-generation CMMS tools.

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