The digitization of maintenance operations offers substantial benefits in terms of productivity and client satisfaction. Still, it isn’t always obvious when it’s time to take the leap. What are the signs that indicate your company is ready for digitization? Read on for the answer.
You’re dealing with an unmanageable quantity of paper
Being in the maintenance management business means producing an astonishing quantity of paperwork, from job tickets to forms of all kinds. It’s gotten to the point where you have no space to store all these documents. It is increasingly difficult to file them in a consistent and practical fashion, and you’re worried about misplacing important documents or having an unauthorized employee inadvertently stumble upon confidential data.
Fortunately for you, most of the maintenance management software tools on the market are equipped with an Electronic Document Management (EDM) feature, which digitizes all your documents for cloud storage and uses a tree structure for sorting. To ensure the confidentiality and security of digitized documents, you’ll grant specific employees access to certain documents using a permissions system.
Your productivity is stagnant or declining
Digitaliser votre gestion de maintenance augmente votre productivité en mettant fin aux problèmes de formulaires endommagés. En effet, le technicien rempli ses formulaires directement dans l’application mobile du logiciel, évitant ainsi les risques liés aux formulaires papiers (formulaires endommagés, formulaires sales…).
The employees at your operations center no longer need to enter data from handwritten forms into their computers; they can focus entirely on verifying the information provided online by the technicians.
Furthermore, these software tools generally include a tool to calculate travel time between service calls, so you can assign calls to the nearest technician, saving time and increasing productive hours.
Enfin, digitaliser votre gestion de maintenance vous permet de de faire des économies sur votre budget papeterie (imprimantes, cartouches d’encre, ramettes de papier…). Si la solution digitale choisie intègre un module de facturation , vous pouvez aussi dire adieu au budget d’affranchissement pour l’envoi de factures.

Your client satisfaction index is stagnant or declining
It isn’t easy to keep your clients satisfied when their expectations continue to grow.
Les solutions digitales les plus performantes du marché vous aident à atteindre vos objectifs de satisfaction client, car elles intègrent généralement un module de partage d’informations avec le client . Cet « extranet client » permet au client de suivre en temps réel l’évolution de l’état des interventions sur son patrimoine. Les techniciens peuvent aussi intégrer des photos horodatées et géolocalisées de l’état du patrimoine une fois l’intervention réalisée afin de rassurer le client.
By digitizing your service management, you are increasing your transparency, thus garnering clients’ trust and satisfaction.
Your invoicing process is not timely
As you know all too well, the more paperwork you need to handle, the longer it takes to process invoicing. It takes time to consolidate forms and job tickets, perform data entry, and mail out invoices. Your invoicing process takes weeks, and the more your business grows, the longer it takes.
But it can be far simpler if you choose to digitize your maintenance management. The data is transferred by your technician to your operations center in real time once the service call is completed. After your operations center confirms the data entered by the technician, the invoice is generated automatically and is sent to the client via email.
The entire service call is digitized, from scheduling to closure. It saves you an incredible amount of time!
It is increasingly difficult to share information among your field teams, operations center, and clients
When it comes to the reliability of information shared among your field teams, operations center, and clients, there are risks inherent in a paper-based maintenance operations management system. Those risks remain manageable so long as there is a reasonable quantity of paperwork in question.
Toutefois, il devient impossible d’éviter les erreurs de ressaisie ou les omissions dans les formulaires quand elle devient trop importante. En effet, les employés de votre centre opérationnel perdent de plus en plus de temps à effectuer les ressaisies d’informations sur ordinateur, ou à contacter les techniciens pour leur demander des informations manquantes. Cela pénalise la traçabilité de l’intervention , la création de facture et l’information au client.
That makes digitizing your maintenance management a top priority: your operations center will need only to confirm the data entered by field technicians, rather than copying it needlessly.
Your technicians complete forms with pre-configured fields, limiting the number of errors and putting an end to issues with damaged forms and crossed-out data.